Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ryfle @ Electroshock Festival Warm-up Mix


Toegevoegd door: djryfle @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:36:18
Gestemd door: wally SpiritualFire baryshx xjanineee hdhessel MindQontroller Sjoerd88 Vogelhuisje Revolting_Against Timothy Lanoz Piet-R76


1. Organ Donors – Throw A Diva (Isaac Remix)
2. Geck-O – It’s What We Are
3. Stereotuners – Bass Control
4. Frequencerz – Fly With Me
5. K-Traxx – Little Red Noisy Thing (Wildstylez Remix)
6. The Machine feat. Ryfle – Trashin’
7. Zany & DV8 – World On Fire
8. Digital Punk & Profyler – Loose Control
9. Deepack & Luna – I Wanna C Ya
10. Crypsis – Jealousy (Zero Vision Remix)

wally -
Cool tracklist  :D
baryshx -
128 kbpz  xD
The Machine feat. Ryfle – Trashin’ = 1.15 min  :?
Jipdenk -
woooow promoboii
MindQontroller -
hdhessel -
morge gewoon volle bak knallen  :D
Sjoerd88 -
Nice hoor!
Timothy -
Goed bezig.
Dacht dat er geen warm-up mix meer zou komen.
Lanoz -
..Raw Hard Chemical..