Gestemd door:
Scooby-Doo Opperhoofd CrazyDutchMan Vioda Duruz ThomA Lucato Wayout DjThera JuanTheory M0rtenK Ivanow dooieharing EviLiv Piet-R76
Mix Luna :
1. Zany - Symphonic feedback (Titan remix)
2. Revolutionz - Darkness
3. Gunz for hire - The cycle
4. Second Identity - God of the underworld
5. E-force - Who the hell are you
6. B-front & Frequencerz - Night colours black
Mix Degos & Re-Done
1. Thera & Geck-O - Ding Dong (Degos & Re-Done Remix)
2. Degos & Re-Done - Warrior
3. Degos & Re-Done - The Rifle
4. Degos & Re-Done - Dancing
5. Degos & Re-Done - S@lsa
6. DHHD - Funky Shit (Degos & Re-Done Remix)
7. Degos & Re-Done - Evolve (Raw Mix)