Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Coarsection & Hardstyle Mafia @ Gearbox Hard Wpierdol #11 November


Toegevoegd door: SchizeQ @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JurneSleddens @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:00:00

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Gestemd door: Stokbrood termaldj bass.t.o.r.m. Danes Lucato Danny_V djdesudo petre_ CrazyDutchMan Pithune LeD BeatDestroyers Chaotic_Spirit M0rtenK Vioda X-Pander Mortenfreeze K-Star sveen_dj Backstab NtranceR heny mazzanotti Ivanow savi0r89 Smokey SouLdj P4RTYLOV3R technoboyYNWA27 Kona_Black RayDestino DJTheJoker MELANGE Regain Hardov benm77 HardTek daKloze Audacious PJP Guido SuciF3R sapher DjPractice JNKz hardlogic Rig ResQ MorganeThaler Demian B-art1992 Sine-D zuxco hardcorebabe Speedboats mario88 Xedom Barticf EviLiv nIT BrainDoc erdnuzz Mayer Firsteffect TheRhythmDivision Thyme Siupak Withe-Fangz gero Kwiebus Piet-R76 View all ratings
Favoriet van: Pithune Hardov hardlogic Siupak

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Hardstyle Mafia part:
1. Degos & Re-Done - Dancing
2. Hardstyle Mafia - Cold & Mean
3. Delete - Eden
4. Hardstyle Mafia - Be One With Bpm
5. Donkey Rollers - Hardstyle Rockers (Hardstyle Mafia Remix)
6. Gerardo Roschini - Rollerock (Hardstyle Mafia Remix)
7. Vazard - Zimmersion (Hardstyle Mafia Remix)
  Coarsection part:
8. Danny V. ft. Kona Black - Hellish Sounds
9. Dark Pact - Black Death
10. Coarsection & Regain ft. Kona Black - The Cube
11. Sasha F - New System
12. Coarsection & Regain - I'm Death
13. Prefix & Density - Breakout
14. Fistraiser - Confusion
15. Sound Intenserz - FEAR
16. Regain & Distrow - Don't Be Affraid

EviLiv -
On 17-11-2011 08:33:13, DjPractice wrote:

Hardstyle mafia part =  :thumbsup2:
Coarsection part =  :( (Lots of nice ideas in the tracks but the kicks are just bok bok bok bok bok tok tok - not hard enough for me, sorry guys  :()

for me was exactly other way round  ;)
Siupak -
Music Junkie
Fuck that set so good!!!  :worship:
alberlineo -
 :)  :)  :)  :)  :)