Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
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X-Pander @ Gearbox Fear Fm Harder Stream Week 8


Toegevoegd door: mazzanotti @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:28

Meer info


Gestemd door: mazzanotti djdesudo SchizeQ greg4850 K-Star X-Pander InvadersRecords Toxik_Waste Darkwatcher Vioda Hardov Regain Nois3controll3r bass.t.o.r.m. sybkee Chaotic_Spirit cval96 erdnuzz LehoS GPVV M0rtenK thehardstyleholland HeavyEnergizer Lupus Kona_Black EviLiv Micha82 eMule Piet-R76 View all ratings
Favoriet van: Hardov HeavyEnergizer


01. Toxik Waste & X-Pander - Circle Of Hell (White Rune Mix)
02. Sasha F - It Changes You
03. Abw Pres. Gia - Sound Seducer (X-Pander Remix)
04. Secret Unity - Party People
05. X-Pander - Thicka
06. Phuture Noize - Invicible (Ft. Mc Dl)
07. Da Tweekaz - Nothingness
08. Bass.t.o.r.m. - Wicked Tune
09. Jack Of Sound - Kaylee's Nightmare
10. Coarsection & Regain Ft. Kona Black - The Cube
11. Unbreakable & X-Pander - God's Salvation
12. Solutio & The I's - 2.17
13. The Prophet - I Like It Rammulloud! (X-Pander Mash-Up)
14. TNT - Countdown

X-Pander -
Edit :
13. Regain & Distrow - Don't Be Afraid
14. The Prophet - I Like It Rammulloud! (X-Pander Mash-Up)
15. TNT - Countdown

Forgot this one when i was writing the TL  :)
Toxik_Waste -
Nice job man.

Regain & Distrow - Don't Be Afraid is a bomb.
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
07. Da Tweekaz - Nothingness

Not the sound I would associate with Da Tweekaz at all. Decent tune though.

Also, Jack Of Sounds breakdowns are so bent.
Gewijzigd door djdesudo op 23-11-2011 13:02
X-Pander -
On 23-11-2011 12:57:04, djdesudo wrote:

07. Da Tweekaz - Nothingness

Not the sound I would associate with Da Tweekaz at all. Decent tune though.

When they presented this one, they also said they'll not leave their cheesy style  :p
It's just for one tune  :)
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
On 23-11-2011 12:57:04, djdesudo wrote:

07. Da Tweekaz - Nothingness

Not the sound I would associate with Da Tweekaz at all. Decent tune though.

They showed us that they can make everything  (L)
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
On 23-11-2011 13:44:25, ThaMaster wrote:


They showed us that they can make everything  (L)

Electronic Alert (Tweekotine Mix)  -_-
Hardov -
This is X-PANDER !!
Fuuck!I am HAPPY !!!
LET's GO !!  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  _O-  :worship:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  _O-  _O-  _O-  _O-
sybkee -
Zeker nice  :yay:
Chaotic_Spirit -
Great, Valentin !  :L
alberlineo -
 :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2: