Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Dj Hoeppi @ Home 16


Toegevoegd door: Hoeppi @

Bestandstype: 224 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:57:57

Meer info
The longest Schredder mix is finished. Hope you enjoy

Gestemd door: D4RkN3sS ReMyX69 Gioom mira_core frenchcore4life Hansolo Born2BeHardcore1986
Favoriet van: ikono frenchcore4life Hansolo Born2BeHardcore1986


01. Rayden - Wild Dreams
02. Tieum & Tommyknocker - Ruff Beats Make Me Sick
03. Shadowcore - Sounds of Chaos (Bartoch Remix)
04. Tieum - Suce Mon Shmelz
05. Section Grabuge - Revolution
06. Tieum & Partyraiser - The Empire Strikes Back
07. The Punisher - Breaking Bitches
08. The Punisher - Fight Music
09. Forsaken is Dead - Psychotik Pillz (Bartoch Remix)
10. Section Grabuge - People Will Die
11. Sim - Simbiosis (Dj Obscurity Remix)
12. Angerfist - Right Through Your Head (Tieum Remix)
13. Angerfist & Tieum - Just Know
14. Tieum - Go Fuck a Pony (Christmas 2010 Refix)
15. The Punisher - Fuck Up The Party (Tieum Remix)
16. Cyane - Ass Social Bitches (Bartoch Remix)
17. Subversion - Trouble Makers (Bartoch Remix)
18. Cyane - Fotzen
19. The Punisher & Bartoch - Death Nation
20. Bartoch - Magician Dancing (Unreleased)
21. Tieum - The Global Hardcore Gathering
22. Proto X feat. Tieum - Mechanical Sickness
23. The Punisher - Do It (Unreleased)
24. Bartoch - You And Me
25. Bartoch & The Punisher - Kick Your Fucking Ass
26. DaMM - One Night In Hell
27. Section Grabuge - Seek & Destroy
28. Section Grabuge - Policia
29. Vextor & Pimkat feat Mc Fixout - Scream (X-Mind Remix)
30. X-Mind - Lain Theme
31. Negative A vs J-Roon & Kosmix - Trash Talk
32. Tieum vs Lunatic & Miss Hysteria - Crazy
33. Tieum & Bryan Fury - Evil Fok
34. The Punisher - Destroy
35. Section Grabuge - Play It Fucking Loud

D4RkN3sS -
Hardcore what else!!
 :worship: very nice Tracklist  :worship:
ReMyX69 -
@D4RkN3sS : +1

You are a killer !!  ;)
DJTheJoker -
I dont care what People say
20. Bartoch - Magician Dancing (Unreleased) and 23. The Punisher - Do It (Unreleased) FROM WHERE U GET THIS SONGS man???