Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Sickest Squad ft. Frazzbass - Nobody escape

Track details

Gereleased in: 2005
Album: Xtreme.Core Xtract [NOIS001]


This system has become unstable
What is the (...) death
This system has become unstable
Nobody escapes
This system has become unstable
It comes in the night

The (...) death
It comes in the night
Nobody escapes
Everything can be corrupted

Nobody escapes

This system has become unstable
Nobody escapes

This system has become unstable
Nobody escapes
This system has become unstable
What is the (...) death
This system has become unstable
Nobody escapes
This system has become unstable

What is the (...) death

Nobody escapes (4X)

This system has become unstable
(...) does not care
This system has become unstable
Nobody escapes

This system has become unstable
Everything can be corrupted
This system has become unstable
Nobody escapes

Bron: Lololyrics