Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Paul Elstak ft Ruffian - Rage (The Unfamous & Radiate Remix)

Track details

Gereleased in: 2001
Album: Offensive [MR 024]


Realize what you hear. This DJ is nothing to fuck with.
You wanna get with, as I bust shit. Come down!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to... It's your death!... DIE!

Die, die, die!

Anger is the son of ignorance. Rage, the afterbirth intolerance.
But I shall deal with my fury and skill,
while Paul pumps the decks and chills.

Rage obscures your reasons. Rage clouds your
Understanding. It poisons your nerve system.
And your whole bio system. So, in the bottom
line, when anger kicks Impatience and rage
take over.

Remember the inter feelings I have for this
music. And I've learned: you cannot
penetrate the darkness I create. When my
anger turns into rage... you shall not be
able to breathe. Thy shall suffocate.

'Cause it's rage. We are doomed to live,
this life in rage. We are doomed to
live and die... in rage.

Rage!... Anger!... Rage!... Die!
Rage!... Anger!... Rage!... Die!

'Cause it's rage. We are doomed to
live, this life in rage. We are
doomed to live and die... in rage.

Die, die, die!


Die, die, die!

Rage obscures your reasons.
Rage clouds your under-
Standing. It poisons your nerve system. And your whole bio
system. So, in the bottom line,
when anger kicks
Impatience and rage take over.

'Cause it's rage. We are doomed to
live, this life in rage. We are doomed to live and die... in rage.

Bron: Lololyrics