Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

D-Tox & Komprex - Talking to a machine (Freakensis Techno-logic Remix)

Track details

Gereleased in: 2009
Album: Make Your Own Bassdrum


Break it (?X)

Talk-talk-talking to a human being (?X)

Talking to a human being or a machine

You're talking (?X)
Put your middlefinger up, motherfucker
You're talking (?X)
Put your middlefinger up, motherfucker

Put the-put the-put the finger, motherfucker
put-put-put-put, fucker, finger

Fuck (?X)
Put the, put the
Fuck (?X)
Fuck (?X)
Put the, put the
Fuck (?X)
Put your middlefinger up, motherfucker

Talking to a human being or a machine
Put your middlefinger up, motherfucker

Bron: Lololyrics