Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Outside Agency, Peter Kurten & Katharsys - Favorite Sin

Track details

Gereleased in: 2012
Album: Favorite Sin / This Never Happened [GEN175-008]


I don't make things happen
Doesn't work like that

I only set the stage
You pull your own strings

What did I say to you?
What were my words to you?

Vanity is definitely my favorite sin

I don't make things happen
You pull your own strings
What did I say to you?
Maybe it was your time to lose

I don't lose, I win!
That's what I do!

Vanity is definitely my favorite sin

Vanity is definitely my favorite sin

I don't make things happen
Doesn't work like that
I only set the stage

Definitely my favorite sin

Keanu Reeves has an impressive negative 32000 dollars
- I know kung fu
- For the last time: no, you don’t

Bron: Lololyrics