Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Coone & Da Tweekaz - Born In The 80's

Track details

Gereleased in: 2012
Album: Time 2 Shine [TOFF-032]


Coone, Da Tweekaz
It's your boy Mr. Eyez rocking the mic

I was born in the 80's
Grew up in the 90's
We are the last generation that learned to play in the street
We were the first to play video games
And the last that record songs off the radio on cassettes or music videos on VHS
We are the pioneers of Walkmans and chat-rooms
We learned how to program the VCR before anyone else
We played with Atari, Super Nintendo and Saga Genesis
We also believed that the internet was gonna be a free world
Ha, yeah right
We are the generation of Thundercats, The Power Rangers, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Transformers, Saved By The Bell, The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air and Martin
We traveled in cars without seatbelts and airbags, lived without cellphones
We didn't have 99 television stations, flatscreen tv's, surround-sound music systems, mp3s, Facebook or Twitter

But nevertheless
We had a great fucking time!

I was born in the 80's
Grew up in the 90's
We are the last generation that learned to play in the street

We didn't have 99 television stations
Flatscreen tv's, surround-sound music systems, mp3s, Facebook or Twitter
But nevertheless
We had a great fucking time!


We had a great fucking time!

Bron: Lololyrics