Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mark with a K - Moneyshaker

Track details

Gereleased in: 2012
Album: Moneyshaker [CRD-003]


Bounce-bounce set it off [?x]
Shake, shake you money, hey!

Bounce-bounce set it off
Make it hard never soft
Move your body to the bass
Rockstar cumface
How low can you go
Shake that ass on the floor
Pump, pump, pump it low
Freak that shit you dirty ho

I'm gonna make you so hot that you want me
Ride on your pony and make you feel horny
How much do you want it
Really bad push up on it
Right now I said it
Fuck you, no credit (credit [?x])
Yes, yes here we go!

Bounce-bounce set it off
Make it hard never soft
Move your body to the bass
Rockstar cumface (-face [10x])
Shake, shake you money, hey!

Shake, shake

Bounce-bounce set it off
Make it hard never soft
Move your body to the bass
Rockstar cumface
How low can you go
Shake that ass on the floor
Pump, pump, pump it low
Freak that shit you dirty ho

I'm gonna make you so hot that you want me
Ride on your pony and make you feel horny
How much do you want it
Really bad push up on it
Right now I said it
Fuck you, no credit (credit [?x])
Yes, yes here we go!

Bounce-bounce set it off
Make it hard never soft
Move your body to the bass
Rockstar cumface (-face [10x])
Shake, shake you money, hey!

Bounce-bounce set it off [?x]
Shake, shake you money, hey!

Bounce-bounce set it off
Make it hard never soft
Move your body to the bass
Rockstar cumface
How low can you go
Shake that ass on the floor
Pump, pump, pump it low
Freak that shit you dirty ho

I'm gonna make you so hot that you want me
Ride on your pony and make you feel horny
How much do you want it
Really bad push up on it
Right now I said it
Fuck you, no credit (credit [?x])
Yes, yes here we go!

Bron: Lololyrics