Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Mad Dog - So What About The...?

Track details

Gereleased in: 2006
Album: Disorder Vinyl [TRAX 0062]


...White kids who ain't white anymore, or the... (3x)
White kids who ain't white, who ain't white, who ain't...

...White kids who ain't white anymore, or the... (3x)
White kids who ain't white, so what about the...

White-white-white anymore

Anymore or-the
White kids who ain't white anymore, or the...
White kids who ain't white, white, white, white anymore
White kids who ain't white anymore, or the...
White kids who ain't white anymore, or-the...
Who ain't white, who ain't white, who ain't white anymore,
Who ain't white, who ain't white.
Who ain't white, who ain't white, who ain't white anymore,
Who ain't white, who ain't white anymore
So what about the...?

Who ain't white, who ain't white, who ain't white anymore,
Who ain't white who ain't white
Who ain't white, who ain't white, who ain't white who ain't white
anymore or-the-or-the-or-the-or-the-or-the-or-the

Oh, motherfuck that! You wanna talk about some shit??

Bron: Lololyrics