Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Pithune @ Nois3controll3r B-Day Bash on Radio


Toegevoegd door: Pithune @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:06

Meer info
happy birthday Nois3controll3r !

Gestemd door: Legolas DJArvee D-Mind TheXQz Nevio SoundTrader eMule SchizeQ [deleted user] Odyssee NeRk Caesar Q-DanCe__ Irys SuciF3R [deleted user] Nois3controll3r Duruz sharez Jro_ giessuh mpm16 lukaszHS kissofdeath Bosleeuw Canyonree Huciap Sickne2s Flugeltje Timmeehh XiDJ KevinH Proto_DJ Loony hostage alexvdh CrazyDutchMan IceManPr0 SBD Zagan View all ratings
Favoriet van: Pithune kissofdeath


01. Gollum ft Scarlet - All The Things She Said (Mikesh Remix)
02. Noisecontrollers - Rushroom
03. The Pitcher - Our Core
04. Citizen - People Won't Like This (The KGB's Remix)
05. Philippe Rochard - Lonely Day
06. Caesar - Chants Of Life
07. Williams Syndrome - Thunder
08. Deepack & Frontliner ft MC Lan - Phreakaz
09. The R3bels - Growl
10. Crypsis ft Sasha F - Get Hit
11. Phrantic - Acid Terror
12. Wild Motherfuckers - B2BW (Wild Mix)
13. Abyss & Judge - Another World

DJArvee -
Jullie Ma
D-Mind -
Nevio -
Caesar -
Detecting Humanoids
Lekkere treklijst kerel, en bedankt voor de support!  :thumbsup2:
Nevio -
On 25-02-2009 19:07:01, Caesar wrote:

Lekkere treklijst kerel, en bedankt voor de support!  :thumbsup2:

 :L  :L  :LCaesarrrrrrrrrr
chants of life
woooooooooo  :worship:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bye:  :bye:  :yay:  (L)
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
thanks Caesar!
Irys -
On 25-02-2009 19:09:12, Nevio wrote:
 :L  :L  :LCaesarrrrrrrrrr
chants of life
woooooooooo  :worship:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bomb:  :bye:  :bye:  :yay:  (L)

I love chants of life  :D
good job +1  :)  :yay:
SuciF3R -
06. Caesar - Chants Of Life = +1
Caesar -
Detecting Humanoids
Wow guys thanks for the comments  :$  :w00t:
Nevio -
On 25-02-2009 21:26:15, Caesar wrote:

Wow guys thanks for the comments  :$  :w00t:

hug him
 :aww:  :aww:  :aww:  :aww:  :D
Duruz -
D-Pitsjoen  :worship:
Pithune -
Shadow Interaction
Simfonik -
Toch maar eens downloaden want de TL is wel nice  :)
Novate -
Goed gedaan Pithune  :D

Lekkere tracklist ik baal dat ik er niet naar had geluistert  :(

Mja effe downloaden !  :D

+1!  :thumbsup2:  :worship:
Bosleeuw -
Johnny Friday
 :bomb:  :worship:
Canyonree -
02. Noisecontrollers - Rushroom
07. Williams Syndrome - Thunder
08. Deepack & Frontliner ft MC Lan - Phreakaz
10. Crypsis ft Sasha F - Get Hit


Verder niet echt mijn smaak qua tracks en mixwerk is niet heel bijzonder  =]
Duruz -
01. Gollum ft Scarlet - All The Things She Said (Mikesh Remix)

TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
Duruz -
On 26-02-2009 18:55:00, TimTim wrote:


lol TimTim, zijn we weer lekker negatief overal vandaag?  :p
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 26-02-2009 18:55:38, Duruz wrote:

On 26-02-2009 18:55:00, TimTim wrote:


lol TimTim, zijn we weer lekker negatief overal vandaag?  :p

nee hoor, ik vind alleen de ty sucken:-| die van Koldsa en SchizeQ waren super goede hardstyle setjes  :L