Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Unknown @ Millennium Hardcore Mix

Hardcore   Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Destroy @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JurneSleddens @

Lengte: 01:00:09

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millenium hardcore mix

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1. Aphasia - Illegal Data Remix II (Al Core)
2. Rude Awakening - My Sound So Sick
3. N-Vitral - Fregat
4. Producer - A Journey Of Force (The Realm Remix)
5. Enzyme X - Kissing The Enemy
6. Rude Awakening - Wake You From Your Boredom
7. Negative A - The Edge Of Panic
8. Nexes - X-Plore
9. D-Passion - Fuck the Free World
10. Placid K - G Member ( Mix)
11. Endymion - Failure (Nosferatu Remix)
12. Tha Playah -
13. Catscan & D-Passion - Phreaking Elektronics
14. Evil Activities ft. Neophyte - To You Who Doubt Me
15. Meccano Twins - Synapse (Shadow Mix)
16. T-Factor - Live @ Raving Nightmare
17. Dominion - Reign Of Fire
18. DJ Partyraiser & T.I.M. - Shit!!!
19. Promo - Call Me By My Name
20. Negative A - Hennesy
21. Manu Le Malin & Producer - Murder (Big Bald Fuck Remix)
22. X-Ess & Catscan - La Haine
23. Noisekick - Only DJ Noisekick Will Survive