Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Amada @ Freaqshow 2013-2014 Hidden Room


Toegevoegd door: LarsHardstyle @
Laatst gewijzigd door: LarsHardstyle @

Gestemd door: oblikus h4rdstyl3r borpiuz
Favoriet van: borpiuz Facebook_698468946971064

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Wasted Mind - Crypt
2. DJ Paul Elstak - Still Love U More (The Viper Remix)
3. Knightvision - Who Is It? (Nosferatu Remix)
4. T-Junction & Rudeboy - How Soon We Forget (Angerfist Remix)
5. Tommyknocker - Demolition
6. Ophidian - The Middle Children (The Viper Remix)
7. State of Emegerncy - Addiction
8. The BeatKrusher - Hatred In Man
9. Evil Activities & DJ Panic - Never Fall Asleep (Tha Playah Remix)
10. Kasparov - Here We Go
11. Dione - Work Ya Body
12. Ruffneck - The Enemy (Nosferatu Remix)
13. Hellsystem - Blood (Tha Playah Remix)
14. Unexist - Refuse
15. Tha Playah & Angerfist ft. MC Jeff - Just Like Me
16. Tha Playah - Walking The Line
17. Dione - Highway To Hell (2013 Refix)
18. Neophyte & Evil Activities - One Of These Days (Angerfist Remix)

oblikus -
01 - Wasted Mind - Crypt
02 - DJ Paul Elstak - Still Love U More (The Viper Remix)
03 - Knightvision - Who Is It (Nosferatu Remix)
04 - T-Junction & Rudeboy - How Soon We Forget (Angerfist Remix)
05 - Tommyknocker - Demolition
06 - Ophidian - The Middle Children (The Viper Remix)
07 - State of Emegerncy - Addiction
08 - The Beatkrusher - Hatred in Man
09 - Evil Activities & Dj Panic - Never Fall Asleep (Tha Playah Remix)
10 - Kasparov - Here We Go
11 - Dione - Work Ya Body
12 - Ruffneck - The Enemy (Nosferatu Remix)
13 - Hellsystem - Blood (Tha Playah Remix)
14 - Unexist - Refuse
15 - Tha Playah & Angerfist ft Mc Jeff - Just Like Me
16 - Tha Playah - Walking The Line
17 - Dione - Highway to Hell (2013 Refix)
18 - Neophyte & Evil Activities - One of These Days (Angerfist Remix)