Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Wish-E @ Live Soundfile DJ Contest

Hardcore   Terror

Toegevoegd door: Psycho-Killer @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:01:11

Meer info
Listen here my live mix sound file. I attended a DJ contest, may the best five selected to be able to fill this evening. This evening I ended with this live mix..

Feel free to share this and do not forget to like my artist page on facebook.

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1. The Outside Agency - A Perfect World
2. Frequencerz - Tomorrow & Beyond (Re-Style & Korsakoff Remix)
3. Tommyknocker & The Wishmaster - Supernatural
4. Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
5. Tha Playah & Angerfist ft. MC Jeff - Just Like Me
6. 3 Steps Ahead & DJ Sim - Drop It, Get Busy (Wish E Mash-Up)
7. Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking (System Overload Bootleg)
8. Dave Dope - Deadly Sins
9. Section Grabuge - People Will Die (Tieum Remix)
10. The BeatKrusher - Helemaal De Weg Kwijt
11. Darkcontroller - Copkiller (Proto X Remix)
12. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman 2012
13. Angerfist - Yes (Znooptokkiedrokz Refix)
14. SRB - Rocket Muppet
15. Tripped - Serial Wanker
16. Darkcontroller & Partyraiser - Our Power (Hardbouncer Remix)
17. Drokz - Bang Bang
18. Tensor & Re-Direction - El Mundo
19. Dr. Peacock & Repix - Out Of My Fucking Mind
20. V-Maxx & Mr. Ivex - Le Dream
21. SRB - Cheater Booster
22. Neophyte & Unexist - Get This Or Die