Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mind.Illusion @ The Magic Show Live


Toegevoegd door: Titatovenaar @

Lengte: 01:30:00

Meer info
Now Titan till 00:15 CET

Gestemd door: Titatovenaar Jro_ Kaoticz alexvdh SuciF3R loser Tommeltjuh djdesudo steviedoyle sFM_Craziest T-1 weevie Duruz Kassi ThaMaster Maximize Spikey baryshx Nats vincejuh Revir TheXQz styl1st koldsa Timmeehh A-BASS Noiser69 TheDizZorder Sainen MrDrokz sHizo PumA-RebeL MattiX theis djcalyone Maci kollie RonkeyDollers alcafire Soncky Remm SchizeQ Legolas Knocks Bex ThE_ShInInG Nilles View all ratings
Favoriet van: ANGEL150


1.Tatatanka - GTP (Technoboy rmx)
2.Max Enforcer - Catching Up
3.Technoboy - Into Dub
4.The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Got To Be There
5.Tatact - W.U.W.H.
6.Kgbs - Infinity (Technoboy Ruff mix)
7.Zanzalabs - Biological Chemistry (Headhunterz rmx)
8.The Beholder & Max Enforcer - Underground
9.The mentalists - Tomorrow
10.Dark Oscillators - Nero
11.Ezteq - Fuck U Up
12.Atlantic Wave - The Creation (2007 Remix)
13.Zany & The Beholder - Euphoria
14.Mike Nrg - Lost In Dreams (Tat & Zat mix)
15.Carnifex - For The New Shit
16.Crypsis & Dana- Transmission
17.Solutio & The I's - City of Chaos
18.Act & Mani - Equensu Ocha
19.Degos&Re-Done S@ls@
20.Zero Vision & Balistic - Style Droppin
21.Donkey Rollers - Voices of Conscience
22.Zero Vision - Upgrade The Noize

Jro_ -
alles begint bij Headhunterz
tot en met track 10 echt  :thumbsup2:

daarna echt niks meer aan..
Kassi -
Enjoyable  :thumbsup:
TheXQz -
'cause I got high. Laaa la da da
Good set mate, enjoyed it  ^.^ nice mixing also:)
Mind.Illusion -
thnx  ;)
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
Great set, a little annoyed that i have not been tuning into yoru sets on a regular basis!  :worship:
Noiser69 -
22.Balistic &Zero Vision - Upgrade The Noize no?  -_-

nice set
TheDizZorder -
The 2Dangerous One !!!
20. Zero Vision - Style Dropping

22. Balistic & Zero Vision Feat. MC Jeff - Upgrade The Noize

MattiX -
I love how The Magic Show DJ's arnt afraid to play older tunes and thats one of the only reasons why i download these sets.
Respect  :thumbsup:
theis -
tnx voor de support maar weer remco!  :D
Mind.Illusion -
np. Dikke track  :yes:  :thumbsup:
loser -
OT: WTF is wrong with djcalyone? Take a look at his last votes.  :doh:
Titatovenaar -
Haha, getting rid of his anger by minusing sets on lsdb perhabs  :w00t:
Paxton -
minusing everything except 'UK Hardstyle style' sets  :doh: and gives no feedback at all
RonkeyDollers -
Jammer dat Magic- B-front & frontliner er niet in staat :P is wel gepast  :beer:
Mind.Illusion -
 =D  =D
Jipdenk -
On 10-02-2010 13:01:36, Paxton wrote:

minusing everything except 'UK Hardstyle style' sets  :doh: and gives no feedback at all

 :thumbsup2: Dj Cassa, Dj Caly One, Gav Miller & Nino Pipito  :thumbsup2:
SchizeQ -
Tracklist  :yay:
Mixwork  :yawn:
Golfball  :yes:
Mind.Illusion -
On 10-02-2010 18:46:37, SchizeQ wrote:

Mixwork  :yawn:

 o_O  o_O
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
On 10-02-2010 20:57:53, Mind.Illusion wrote:


 o_O  o_O

Disagree strongly, thought the mixing was ace!  :thumbsup2:
Titatovenaar -
On 10-02-2010 18:46:37, SchizeQ wrote:

Tracklist  :yay:
Mixwork  :yawn:
Golfball  :yes:

Whats boring about the mixwork then  -_-