Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Zany @ Dance Valley 2010


Toegevoegd door: Fusion @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JurneSleddens @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:08:08

Meer info
First time Traktor DJ Set by Zany

Gestemd door: heny Crysonic Jandeman Setenza BongeR djryfle mstx rakiru EviLiv __PIM TheXQz ZeroGravity koldsa Canyonree Nego koekwous fluxyy djblacksun Revir Vogelhuisje greg4850 freddyadu8 PhresiF ThaMaster Nitrogen Michiel201 maasider kollie Qlmx Schildpad Timmeehh Zanza KidChaos DJ_Gracio Pithune djdesudo chicomaster D-Mind UnholyMessias Edwinn technoboyYNWA27 San_Miquel Noiser69 steviedoyle Matsuftw Theekop Wayout K-Cin sinenV Pimf Endymion JNKz rascal0pl Dr3amcatch3r B. Kremer Tanic E-Stylezz Krisstianox ExF ProMixer Sleeb DonR gertus Swush HunterMx21 stes Billy-Balzak blackmail Legolas purogenerator Bazzy Duruz theis savi0r89 DJArvee walbier espino muswam Dakpan Odyssee Drugzz tomatomartin knarfieboy hardlogic m4a1 RogeRi Marlboro.Man KBZLL Neroz Hardsectorz sHizo zeb Mike-IF A-BASS stefan88pt HARDSTYLE_BRABANT Pick6 eMule hardstyler_dj Stantana g-redd leon-ehv Xyroc SoundTrader DilzZa Micha82 GhostDog NeRk joestoe111 WeAreThePeopleRFC Onga Neerhof K-Star New_Guy4Hardstyle Basscontrollerz TaT Matzi Piet-R76 stefan84 Rum-P ThE_ShInInG Loony DjPractice dreos1337 Tunnelgaenger rexton gero Mogyi C-J B.A.S.H Bubba Jro_ ANGEL150 atzebadekappe rolandhyper djoutbreak Scooby-Doo Vinner Ozuma j3sh Mezzox double_dutch Opperhoofd Hyperhuub r.H. Showey TonyT hayest kwaibegai bAsher26 igormyotis real7a View all ratings
Favoriet van: Krisstianox stefan88pt Maikel47 Er_MuReNa A-BASS Tanic Noiser69 tomatomartin DJ_Gracio hardstyler_dj Onga TheXQz ThE_ShInInG SoundTrader C-J kollie Mezzox igormyotis real7a

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth
2. Tuneboy - Ombrello Maledetto
3. Zany - Angel Of The Sun
4. A-Lusion - Veritas (Zany Remix)
5. B-Front & Frontliner - Godz Power! (Rattlebrain Loop)
6. Second Identity - Amplified
7. Donkey Rollers - The Sound Of The Beast (Edit)
8. Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute (Alpha² Remix)
9. Mike NRG - Lost In Dreams (Alpha² Remix)
10. Zany & The Beholder - Euphoria
11. Zany - Animated Audio
12. Zany - The Fairy Legend
13. Donkey Rollers - 2012
14. Return Corps & Hollow - Wrong Frequency (Zany Remix)
15. Pavo - From Scratch
16. Max Enforcer ft. The Rush - Fade To Black (Black Anthem 2010)
17. Zany vs Duro - Our Power
18. Tat & Zat - Gangsta
19. Zanza Labs - Industrial Bug
20. Zany & Brennan Heart - Bang The Bass
21. Digital Punk & Profyler - Dark Symphony
22. Donkey Rollers - Justice 4 All
23. Human Resource - Dominator (Slim Shore Remix)
24. Brennan Heart - Face The Enemy (Zany Remix)
25. B-Front & Slim Shore - Chemical
26. Zany & Beholder - Who Wants This
27. Zany & Beholder - Do You Want Heavy
28. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth

m4a1 -
Ey man, dit is zowaar een vette set, mis alleen Octavius Augustus. Ganz geil.
Morango -
What is real?
Fusion candy  :yum:

Fusion  :arrow: Johan van Korven  :arrow: Donkey Rollers  :arrow: Zany  :arrow: Fusion  =] loop!
Gewijzigd door Morango op 09-08-2010 18:03
Jatoch -
Crysonic -
Traktor  :worship:
Jipdenk -
"Traktor DJ Set" ?
Vogelhuisje [Moderator] -
Haat aan vocals
Dankje RJ  (L)
Jatoch -
08. Mike NRG – Lost In Dreams (Alpha2 Remix)

Geil, was me nog niet meteen opgevallen.
Crysonic -
On 09-08-2010 18:05:15, Jipdenk wrote:

"Traktor DJ Set" ?

First time using his new gear, Traktor on laptop with midi controllers
BongeR -
Chill dat je hem hebt opgenomen!
Canyonree -
Baaz, ff luisteren  :worship:
djdesudo -
Gearbox Owns The Night
been a long time since ive listened to a Fusion set, might make this my first in ages. Interested to see how he's mixed it.
Morango -
What is real?
On 09-08-2010 18:05:15, Jipdenk wrote:

"Traktor DJ Set" ?

TraktorJ  :thumbsup:
Jandeman -
Ziet er lomp uit die tracklist!
Zeker dat ik deze ga luisteren  :D
Morango -
What is real?
the set has already votes? lol

Toegevoegd op: 09 Aug 2010 17:55

@ 09 Aug 2010 18:11

listening to 1 hour set in 16 min  :')
Odyssee -
On 09-08-2010 18:13:19, Morango wrote:

the set has already votes? lol


listening to 1 hour set in 16 min  :')

It was a party!!!. Some people were there  :doh:
Vogelhuisje [Moderator] -
Haat aan vocals
Maybe they were at Dance Valley and heard the set there..

But probably not  :D
Crysonic -
lol well some people might've been there and plus you can change your vote after really listening  :p
Jatoch -
On 09-08-2010 18:13:54, Odyssee wrote:


It was a party!!!. Some people were there  :doh:

Alleen (vrijwel) niemand van 't volk dat gevote heeft.
Morango -
What is real?
Tracklisters are outhere  :D
Jatoch -
Klinkt wel aardig, maar gewoon nep niet doen.