Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

HardT3K-Tic & Johnny Napalm @ Frenchcore S'il Vous Plaît! Early Warm-Up Mix

Gestemd door: terrormark [deleted user] MrAnus Da_Machinery T.I.T.Salmai HardT3K-Tic Mr.Johnny.Napalm Mennus xljarno Dutch Krank-Im-Kopf MicroClown Sjassie drmeddenrasen D-Future JtheWilde AbrissBoy D-railed Luukjahhh Knocks Schitzo82 Nielos hardcorerepublic greg4850 Dark-NighT Robintjuh KBZLL Tunnelgaenger Steve. TerrorPinKlaas KnalleGaar JNKz TheHazeJunk djdebest stamphu MazaShakur Charlie_core Maximumraver Checknixxx FrenchcoreAddict Nestler gelsen Quixotic Gek_Kaboutertje Marcus-Decks HiGHExterminate Sweet_Stephaniej jokerking76 Geezus chronicore Joeyy AkiraDark95 Dooter Sporadic View all ratings
Favoriet van: [deleted user] Dutch terreurj Charlie_core TerrorPinKlaas Quixotic Gek_Kaboutertje ricoramon87 Mr.Johnny.Napalm Geezus HardT3K-Tic FFRREAKKYY Waussiee Sporadic

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Subversion - Clash Of Beats
2. D-Tox - Frenchcore Guerrilla
3. Radium - Mass Power
4. Sirio - I Want To Die
5. Catatonic Overload - Goddamn (Sloperij Janssen's +33.3% is Not A Remix)
6. Prototype Hardcore - Hard-Dance
7. Subversion - Genadeloos
8. Frazzbass vs. The Sickest Squad - Super Mario
9. Darktek - Game Over
10. Dr. Peacock - A Trip to Bulgaria
11. D.O.M. - D-Omen
12. Darktek - Core'n'Roll
13. Marcus Decks - Hitting Jack
14. Darktek - Nervous Breakdown
15. Darktek - Hypnotise
16. Exode - Darkness Dance
  >>>Johnny Napalm
17. Radium ft. Drokz - Dutchcore
18. Hungry Beats - I Got Something For Your Mind
19. Darktek - Work!
20. Pattern J - Another World
21. Hungry Beats - Wrong Signal
22. Skeletro - Fair Trade
23. Prototype Hardcore - Dead Gamer
24. D.O.M. - Voodoo-Kore
25. Hungry Beats - No Escape
26. D.O.M. - Deepcore
27. D.O.M. - BFB
28. The Sickest Squad - In73
29. D.O.M. & X-Fly - Blood war
30. Hungry Beats - Head Crusher
31. Marcus Decks - Les Clés
32. D.O.M. - Shitness
33. D.O.M. - Kaos In The Box

Evilness -
Wow, awesome tracklist guys, downloading right now  :yum:
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 14-09-2011 19:44:52, Evilness wrote:

Wow, awesome tracklist guys, downloading right now  :yum:

On 14-09-2011 19:50:44, greg4850 wrote:

Thanks  ^.^ And enjoy  :beer:
Mr.Johnny.Napalm -
Frenchcore Addict!!
T.I.T.Salmai -
lecker setje  :thumbsup2:  :worship:
& a fucking great tracklist guys  ;)  :beer:
Mr.Johnny.Napalm -
Frenchcore Addict!!
On 14-09-2011 20:33:20, T.I.T.Salmai wrote:

lecker setje  :thumbsup2:  :worship:
& a fucking great tracklist guys  ;)  :beer:

tnks man  :beer::)
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
+ for your part Mr.Napalm  :thumbsup:
Mr.Johnny.Napalm -
Frenchcore Addict!!
+ for your part mr. t3k-Tic  :yay:
Gewijzigd door Mr.Johnny.Napalm op 14-09-2011 20:43
Evilness -
 :worship: Awesome set!
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 14-09-2011 21:07:02, Evilness wrote:

 :worship: Awesome set!

Nice to hear  =D
Gewijzigd door HardT3K-Tic op 14-09-2011 21:59
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
In french, not accent on " î "  :thumbsup:
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 14-09-2011 21:17:44, PatrickG88 wrote:

In french, not accent on " î "  :thumbsup:

how do you mean  ^.^
Can you change  :?  =D
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
Do as you want  :)
MrAnus -
I'm french, there is an accent on the other "i"  :thumbsup:.

Good set BTW!
Gewijzigd door MrAnus op 14-09-2011 21:37
xljarno -
Nette set jongens!
PatrickG88 [Set Editor] -
[Tʜᴇ Bʟᴀᴄᴋ Bᴏx]
" I'm french, there is an accent on the other "i" . "

:doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

Yes it's true, I consulted the dictionary  =D haha sorry  :W
Gewijzigd door PatrickG88 op 14-09-2011 21:42
Dutch -
we make music to piss you off
This sure is a nice one  :worship:
Great tracklist  :thumbsup2:
Enjoyed listening to it  8-)
Mr.Johnny.Napalm -
Frenchcore Addict!!
On 14-09-2011 21:37:31, MrAnus wrote:

I'm french, there is an accent on the other "i"  :thumbsup:.

Good set BTW!

On 14-09-2011 21:39:45, xljarno wrote:

Nette set jongens!

tnks  :)  :thumbsup:
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 14-09-2011 21:37:31, MrAnus wrote:
I'm french, there is an accent on the other "i"  :thumbsup:.

On 14-09-2011 21:41:46, PatrickG88 wrote:
" I'm french, there is an accent on the other "i" . "

:doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:  :doh:
Yes it's true, I consulted the dictionary  =D haha sorry  :W  :beer:

On 14-09-2011 21:37:31, MrAnus wrote:
Good set BTW!

On 14-09-2011 21:39:45, xljarno wrote:
Nette set jongens!

Thanks  =D
D-Future -
En knalle maar.
Een van de betere setjes  :thumbsup2:  (L)