Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Akira @ Signal Flow Podcast 42

Terror   Industrial Hardcore   UK Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:01:16

Meer info
Signal Flow Podcast 42 | Akira

Gestemd door: MindestructionOfficial Hansolo hBurm Haardkoor Immolarious Luukjahhh RoboSquc kisbudai gabbawhore ijskonijn javi_centralero Knomo ColinHQ Boks UKHardcore23 AlanIsDOMINATOR Tunnelgaenger hardcorerepublic G-Raver JakHalz babsjan208 Dimax RaffNix showgarcia Krisiek82 dev77 B.A.S.H Audioholic Dilvo rose4rome dynam1x Linda7-8-88 Zero12 MicroClown vrc gero Darksound SBD yean0 frenker MattiX pointzero View all ratings
Favoriet van: Hansolo gabbawhore G-Raver SBD grupont

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. I:Gor - Testify
2. Lenny Dee - Fuckin Hostile (The Outside Agency Remix)
3. Detest - Rebel Monster
4. Detest - The Big Exit
5. Hellfish - Sex Machine
6. Strychnine - Utopia Project (Hellfish & Producer Remix)
7. Tugie - Audio Intercourse
8. UVC - Death Is... (Tieum Remix)
9. Tugie - Netik Energy
10. Tripped - Morning Fucker
11. Tugie - Sample Killer
12. Akira - Beatdown Anonymous (Profanity Represented Remix)
13. Akira vs Tripped - Hard Spuitwater
14. Destroyer - Noise On The Base (Tripped Remix)
15. D.O.A. - Wanna Be A Gangsta (Akira Brooklyn Annihilation Mix)
16. D.O.A. - Chemical Warfare
17. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (N.Y. Hardcore Mix)
18. DJ Skinhead - Remixen
19. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (D.O.A. Mix)
20. Hellseeker - Otis
21. Akira - France Make Sum XXL
22. DJ Mutante - Terror Fucking Noize Industry
23. Rotator - HXC Militia
24. U.V.C. & DJ Narotic - Can't Fuck With This
25. The Speed Freak - Creature Of Filth And Plague
26. DJ Mutante - Farme Ta Yeule Criss De Cave!
27. Passenger of Shit - Cockbashingterdbutcher
28. DJ Skinhead - Extreme Terror (The Pain Mix)
29. I:Gor - Coretoon
30. Detest - 20bscore
31. Hellfish - Divine Bomb
32. The Shapeshifter - The Crushing Pit (La Magra Remix)
33. Mr. KIll - Aerodynamit Punx
34. Tripped - U.S.A. Holls
35. The Sinner - Push It To The Limit

Luukjahhh -
This is his set @ Hacking The Machine (02-06-2012), Baroeg, Rotterdam

Kan trouwens toch ook nog wel een UK Hardcore tag bij?
Gewijzigd door Luukjahhh op 25-06-2012 13:10
lenin -
ijskonijn -
Leuk setje, op de nummertjes van Tripped na, daar vind ik echt geen bal aan. Klinkt allemaal hetzelfde wat die vent maakt
javi_centralero -
 :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
G-Raver -
Heerlijk even helemaal naar de klote!
showgarcia -
On 25-06-2012 13:12:51, lenin wrote:


Shhhh only dutch or english jajaja
javi_centralero -
I would like a new Signal Flow Podcast mixed by I:GOR, TYMON, THE OUTSIDE AGENCY, NOISEKICK or TIEUM  :worship:

By the by, this episode by AKIRA is FANTASTIC, thanks you very much  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
Gewijzigd door javi_centralero op 03-07-2012 18:24
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
archive added  :thumbsup:
pointzero -
hq soundcloud added, nice banger  :thumbsup2: