Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Wavolizer @ 99 Insights of The Outside Agency

Industrial Hardcore   Crossbreed

Toegevoegd door: Wavolizer @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 04:15:11

Meer info
In July 2013 I was getting tired of my long train rides back and forth - a 4 hours journey. That's basically how this mix was born:
I wanted a mix that lasted as long as my train ride and I instantly thought of doing a mix with TOA productions only. I decided to aim for 88 tracks, but I realized there was too much left out so I went with 99. Some of you might still think "oh why is X missing?" - well because I picked the ones I like the best.  ;)
The mix has been planned, built and analyzed - not mixed spontaneously - therefore it has been a long process of re-listening, gluing and fixing.
If you think the mix is too long then just split it up - there's a lot of free software out there that can easily split mp3s.

Enjoy! B-)

Gestemd door: lamtak UnknownInsidez EceergDJ thomasyellow Tiifa Zirkum Meggido Rio_Com Krauser maarten0546 kamez RoyM McBong EviLiv Maximumraver Phenomenon DelugeOfSound ijskonijn STAN. DjThera djbazz-r DonC Thermus Morricone mainconcern HARDCOREnewsNL wesselke Demanufacturer Knomo yean0 HardT3K-Tic VerCouter hompii DaybreakerDJ Mr.Johnny.Napalm ColinHQ TenZ Fluttershy jefrim Rickik schroothoop aura-p molspaul FabiFabje Reinier1992 Linda7-8-88 HiddeQ Zapple appelspa SperSIZEboon eindbaas parannoyed X-Pander mockingman DJOMGWTF grrraaaaa Hansolo pitchan DjMadness Liam maxwillink405 ThaClown hardstyl3MF hardcorerepublic darafr TheDudeJustin Jim_D View all ratings
Favoriet van: Rio_Com RoyM lamtak VerCouter TenZ aura-p molspaul FabiFabje Linda7-8-88 grrraaaaa Hansolo darafr Morricone Jim_D

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. The Outside Agency - Antichrist VIP
2. The Outside Agency - The Next Storyteller
3. The Outside Agency - Sithspawn
4. The Outside Agency - Suffocate
5. Eye-D & Hidden - Rain
6. DJ Hidden - Earth Cry
7. The Outside Agency & Forbidden Society - This Never Happened
8. DJ Hidden - The Raw Universe
9. The Outside Agency & Ophidian - The Insect Mind
10. The Outside Agency & Current Value - They're Human (Listen To Me VIP)
11. The Outside Agency - Tesla
12. The Outside Agency - Godspeed
13. The Outside Agency - Hidden Strengths
14. The Outside Agency - The Shocktower
15. The Outside Agency - The Spooks
16. The Outside Agency - Oscillation Overthruster
17. The Outside Agency - The Strangers
18. The Outside Agency - 740 Mhz Inertial Overtone
19. The Outside Agency - The New Master VIP
20. The Outside Agency - Clockwork Paralysis
21. The Outside Agency & Ophidian - The Shadows
22. The Outside Agency - The Alchemists
23. The Outside Agency & Ophidian - The Infinite
24. The Outside Agency & Fracture 4 - Manhunt 0
25. The Outside Agency & Ophidian - The Silence
26. SPL - Lost Frequency (The Outside Agency Remix)
27. DJ Hidden - Broken Seconds
28. The Outside Agency - The Solution
29. The Outside Agency & Cooh - Soul keepers
30. DJ Hidden - Empty Streets Revisited
31. Sinister Souls & The Outside Agency - Perfect Organism
32. The Outside Agency - Headphone Wisdom
33. Counterstrike & Cooh - Crowd Surfer (The Outside Agency Remix)
34. DJ Hidden - Scintillate
35. DJ Hidden - You're Not Real
36. Eye-D - Mission Statement
37. The Outside Agency - Primitive
38. Eye-D & Hidden - Chemical Dreams
39. DJ Hidden - Dying Star
40. The Outside Agency & Fracture 4 - Manhunt II
41. Eye-D & Hidden - Highways
42. DJ Hidden - Past The Flesh
43. The Outside Agency - Surreal
44. The Outside Agency - Reality Collapse
45. Eye-D & Hidden - Transformer
46. The Outside Agency & Switch Technique - Senseless Society
47. Eye-D & Hidden - Time Device
48. The Outside Agency & SPL - Separate Ways
49. DJ Hidden - Breathe In Breathe Out
50. The Outside Agency & Sei2ure - Pacifists
51. Endymion & The Viper ft. FERAL is KINKY - Raging In The Dancehall (The Outside Agency Remix)
52. The Outside Agency & Fracture 4 - Manhunt
53. Eye-D & DJ Hidden - Ascender
54. DJ Hidden & Switch Technique - Imagination
55. Eye-D & DJ Hidden - Instinct
56. DJ Hidden - Traveller
57. The Outside Agency & Donny - Among Us
58. DJ Hidden - Pure Darkness VIP
59. Lenny Dee - Fuckin Hostile (The Outside Agency Remix)
60. The Outside Agency ft. Tapage - Industrial Cooking Spray
61. The Outside Agency - Chaos Theory
62. DJ Hidden - Don't Fear The Darkness
63. Nosferatu - The Wolves Of Creation (The Outside Agency Remix)
64. The Outside Agency - Cautionary Tale
65. The Outside Agency - Cross
66. Eye-D & Hidden - Speed Bump
67. The Outside Agency - Nostromo
68. The Outside Agency - Memory Stealer
69. The Outside Agency & Dep Affect - Mathematics
70. Forsaken Is Dead & Unnatural Selection - The Unconquerable Man (The Outside Agency Remix)
71. The Outside Agency & Sei2ure - Trouble
72. The Outside Agency - Stranger's Call
73. The Outside Agency & D'Spyre - Fire & Blood Revisited
74. The Outside Agency - Screaming Phoenix VIP
75. The Outside Agency - Hell's Basement
76. Cativo - Evil Has No Boundaries (DJ Hidden Remix)
77. DJ Hidden - Untouched
78. Eye-D & Hidden - Beholder
79. The Outside Agency - The Price Is Right
80. DJ Hidden - Einstein
81. The Outside Agency - Daze Of Old
82. Angel - Psycho (The Outside Agency Remix)
83. The Outside Agency - The Fabric Of Life
84. The Outside Agency - Undermind
85. DJ Hidden - Times Like These VIP
86. The Outside Agency, Peter Kurten & Katharsys - Favorite Sin
87. Dylan - Virus (DJ Hidden Remix)
88. The Outside Agency - Discord In Scarlet
89. The Outside Agency - Centipedes & Sentinels
90. The Outside Agency & Counterstrike - My Friends
91. DJ Hidden - Drastic
92. The Outside Agency - Waste Management
93. The Outside Agency - Destruction
94. The Outside Agency - Backpack Wisdom
95. The Outside Agency - The Flux Capacitor
96. The Outside Agency - The Wandering Mind
97. The Outside Agency - Scandinavian Chess
98. The Outside Agency - Ghetto Blast
99. The Outside Agency - End Boss

Krauser -
Fuck YOU, THAT'S my name!
Insta-like, because I can.
RoyM -
Deze man  :worship:
Elke set is geweldig, welke genre hij ook draait.  :worship:
McBong [Set Editor] -
This looks beyond awesome  :worship:
EviLiv -
genius idea...some serious competition for their 4h signal flow podcast  :worship:
ijskonijn -
4 uur en 15 minuten TOA? Altijd +1!  :D
Arr -
Ohhh man this is sick!! +10000
djbazz-r -
Will you marry me?
VerCouter -
Is kaas met een e?
Wauzie!!  :D Insane!!
Krauser -
Fuck YOU, THAT'S my name!
070. Forsaken Is Dead & Unnatural Selection - The Unconquerable Man (The Outside Agency Remix)

Admit it, you all got Rickroll'd
lamtak -
Combobreaker Podcast
On 04-12-2013 15:32:16, Krauser wrote:

070. Forsaken Is Dead & Unnatural Selection - The Unconquerable Man (The Outside Agency Remix)

Admit it, you all got Rickroll'd

It was awful  :( He.. robbed me of my innocence. Life will never be the same  :cry:
HiddeQ -
Geweldig!!  :thumbsup2:  :thumbsup2:
cool set, really!
but shoudln't it be named: 99 Insights of PRSPCT Records?
Gewijzigd door DJOMGWTF op 05-01-2014 15:47
Krauser -
Fuck YOU, THAT'S my name!
On 05-01-2014 15:29:02, DJOMGWTF wrote:

but shoudln't it be named: 99 Insights of PRSPCT Records?

LtLGvd -
Possible to re-up the other Zippy-parts?

Wavolizer -